mens shirt collar too tight. Must lose weight fastmother said I'd need to lose weight or buy a collar extender.

All Shirt Collars Shrink.

And your favourite shirts shrink more than most. (The more you wear it, the more you wash it, the more it shrinks.)

Even the best shirt-makers in the country admit their shirt collars shrink. But by how much?

16½” collars can shrink to a cut-throat 16” And 17½” collars to a strangled 17”, or worse!

Who knows? It depends on the material - the hotness of the wash - and the skill of the washer. But the only place you’ll really discover how much they’ve shrunk is around your neck - your poor long-suffering neck.

So if you’re the kind of man who occasionally needs to wear a tie then you need a new, unique Patent Pending UNSTRANGLER shirt collar button extender.

That life-changing job interview; an important boardroom presentation; or your daughter’s wedding? Whatever the special occasion, there’s always going to be someone who takes a pop at you for turning up unruly and “loose-necked”, your unbuttoned collar tabs flapping like a wet sail in a force eight gale.

Or more painfully you do your duty (and do your tie up) and end up looking like a trussed-up roasting chicken; your lobster-coloured neck radiating strangled discomfort.

What you need is that extra 1/2” (1.5cm.) of delicious comfort that only a Patent Pending UNSTRANGLER shirt collar button extender can give you.

Discrete, invisible, and above all supremely comfortable.

New and unique shirt & tie collar extender for larger neckshow to tie a tie (big knot)

Appear To Lose Weight With An Unstrangler Collar Extender.

Couldn’t say no to an extra spoonful of pudding? Given up on the Gym? Relax. You’re not the only one.

Most men put on a little “insulation” as they mature.

Unfortunately, if you work in an office (and have to wear a tie) one niggling problem will still grab you by the throat.

That’s the problem of the “incredible shrinking collar ”- or if we’re being truthful - the problem of the “inevitable swelling neck”.

Over a man's working life, his shirt size is likely to change by around three half collar sizes.

Everyone has at least two or three shirts in the wardrobe with collars that just don't fit.

So what do you do? Throw them out? Continue to choke? Or buy the latest Patent Pending UNSTRANGLER shirt collar button extender expander?

This brand new development bridges the gap between 16” collars and 16½” necks. (Or indeed any size of ill-matched neck and shirt.)

It'll give you an extra 1/2” (1.5cm.) of breathing space; every time you wear one.

It’s discrete, invisible, and keeps your tie and extended collar comfortably away from your sensitive neck. People will probably think you've lost a few pounds, you'll look so cool.

It'll even solve the problem of those fashionable "Big Knot" ties - giving your shirt collar ample room to show off in style.

When it's your neck that's on the line, make sure you knot your tie over a new and unique Patent-Pending UNSTRANGLER shirt collar button expander.


tight mens shirt & tie problem solved by a Pat-Pend Unstrangler collar extender An extra half inch of comfort and you'll appear to lose weight, and look really cool

Unstrangler collar extenders at less than £1 each

($8.00 USD APPROX)




Free postage when you buy two packs of Unstrangler collar extenders

Each pack contains 6 new and unique Patent Pending collar extenders and a free guide that illustrates six different ways to tie or knot a tie

Tie a tie over a collar extender fitted to a mens shirtWORKS IN A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT (and better) WAY to "elastic buttons" or "slot & button" EXTENDERS.

Unstrangler collar extenders at less than £1 each

($9.00 USD APPROX)




Free postage when you buy two packs of Unstrangler collar extenders

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